Monday, January 3, 2011

Request for Financial Support

Dear friends and family,

For those of you who don't know, I lost my mother to suicide on Aug. 11, 2010. It was totally unexpected and rather shocking. I've dug deep and worked very hard to show up powerfully and positively while continuing to serve hundreds of Oakland Cafe Gratitude patrons each day since this happened. It's been the most challenging experience I've ever been through and I am at my breaking point. For months I made up that I couldn't afford to take time off from work, as every check is already spoken for. My financial situation hasn't changed, but my overall disposition has. I cannot keep shutting out the pain and ignoring my healing needs. I am exhausted. I am in a lot of emotional and physical pain and I require some time to myself to grieve and heal. It's clear to me that taking a leave of absence from work is what I must do to take care of myself right now. I need to raise about $1800 to pay my rent and bills during the month that I will be away. I am requesting your support on this leg of my journey. I deeply appreciate anything that you can offer to help me during this time of great need. My leave of absence will be from Jan. 15 thru Feb. 15th.
If you are not in a position to offer money, but perhaps have extra food to share, or massaging hands to love up my body with, that would also be greatly appreciated.

I want to thank each of you for being in my life and loving me the way you do. I love you all very much, and thank you for your continued support.



Kimba Theurich said...

My Dear Amanda
Let's get some massage dates on the calendar. I can see you at my previous house in Berkeley, pick you up and drop you off. First available is this Thursday around 11am. Is that possible?
I can give you come cash that day as well.
Love You

Anonymous said...

Hi Amenda, I would like to find a way to support you but I don't know your address. I am working for myself right now, and the money is tight, but I still like to contribute to your healing. Let me know.


Amanda Self said...

I want to thank each and every person that made a donation & helped me during this time of need! I was so touched & amazed at the response I received. I am so grateful for you all!
